Thursday, September 30, 2010
You can't have Liberty wihout Liberation
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
3 verses
Show your face around my hood
I'll stomp your head in with my boot
What makes you think what you've been through is any excuse for failure?
Sorry to lash out
But I've got no time for you to spread your ill ways to my tribe...
You hate yourself, you hate it all
You think that you were born to fail
Fuck that shit!
We're made of stars!
Don't let anyone beat you down
Grow endlessly
Our reality, defined by purpose
That is up to us to choose
Only from chance can we lose
Only chance...
Like a hammer to my balls
the Earth, smashed the fuck up
Be it an asteroid or a nuclear Armageddon
it doesn't matter
No survivors
No trace of our existence
Only remnants of civilization
satellites and radio waves
torturing distanct civilizations with pepsi jingles and sports statistics
what a legacy
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
A Little Lesson in Genetics
Blind Addiction
You tell yourself it’s ok
You say you smoke weed every day
Because it’s harmless
You say you smoke tobacco
Because it relieves stress
You drink on the weekends
With the excuse that
You hang out with friends
You drink coffee in the morning
Because you can’t sleep at night
Stop lying to yourself
You know it’s just a crutch
You use these drugs
Because you can’t fucking deal with life
Going through day to day
Because you can’t handle the pain
Your life sucks
Random Stand Up Material I'm Working On
Cartoons and Immortality
Friday, September 17, 2010
Political Vegans/Vegetarians Rioting Factory Farms?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Quick Rap
This quote certainly holds true for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has constantly been punished for the horrible crime of writing. Is not writing supposed to be a right given to us by our state? Of course, in people like Mumia Abu-Jamal's case, the fact that he wrote, or made his thoughts heard, has nothing to do with the fact of writing itself. Mumia Abu-Jamal is a political activist, and he has a poetic way of reaching into the soul of man with his speeches, he constantly questions the role of authority in a way the people sympathize with, and this, and only this, is the reason why the state tries so hard to silence this man's words. And to this I say, rather or not Mumia Abu-Jamal will ever be killed by the state, or no matter how unlikely it is that he will be given back his freedom one day, one thing the state cannot do is silence a man's words. Mumia, in this respect has my ultimate respect, no matter how hard they try, they will never be able to silence his words, and if you think it is all pointless, regardless of rather they kill this man or not, his words will live on forever, effecting if not thousands but millions of people for generations to come. To this I would echo to any authority figure, you can kill a man, but his mind, his mind you cannot kill.
I know that forever Mumia's words will be in my mind.
Why all Cops are Corrupt Cops
What makes this worse is the very fact that most cops are extremely manipulated and have this power hungry, patriotic mindset that our government ingrains in their head. Look back through history if you don’t believe this. Look at our current drug laws. Do you believe that any officer is doing justice by putting someone in jail for putting something in their body? To me, this is nothing short of being a police state. And the point is most of these guys think they are doing their country good by putting more and more citizens in prison for almost nothing, this is nothing short of corruption. The way our country is going is scary, and is exactly why we shouldn’t have authority figures running peoples lives, rather it be cops, politicians, judges, or presidents, but by the people themselves.
And just to further the point of a lot of cops being blind patriotic zombies to do the governments dirty work, go ask any political prisoner how they were treated by the police force, ask how many of these people are being treated like dogs in prisons and especially on death row, being stripped of their humanity, ask any political prisoner how abused they were physically when being arrested, for doing something positive that shouldn’t even be considered a crime in the first place. But back to the point, look at any feminist, anarchist, and black pride movements. These people were subjected to cruelty simply because they weren’t obeying the law, because they were trying to question authority, and to overthrow authority. This is exactly why we have a police force, to keep people in check, they are not here to “protect and serve” if only by that you mean to protect and serve those in power, then yes, that may be true. The reason however, that we should be against police authority is because of the very fact that they have that authority over people; people can run their own lives without being subjected to police brutality, police brutality that seeks to only subject people who want to do good and run their own lives without government interference.
In closing, if you think we need police officers, then go to any prison system and see how many people in there are cold blooded serial killers. I think you may be surprised at the outcome, and then ask yourself another question, can people regulate crime? I think so, and I certainly don’t think that a 15 year old kid who “attempted” to rob a gas station with a pellet gun deserves to be tried as an adult and spend the next 15 years of his life in prison. This is the kind of “no tolerance” bullshit that our government and police force is enforcing, don’t break the rules or we’ll fuck you over. For me personally, I don’t see the point in ruining a kids life over something so minor, I’d rather see the store clerk manage the situation himself, by maybe making him do some work, teach him a lesson, not turn him into a better criminal by making him spend half his life in prison. People can manage, people can make rules, they can manage, and they don’t need to be told what to do and how to live.
To drive the point home if you didn’t get it, all cops are corrupt because of the very fact that they are cops. Simply by being a cop they have authority, and having the authority over people is what I’m against. They have authority and obviously, they use it, it is their job after all. Now, it would amazing if almost every cop in the nation realized that they had no right holding pointless laws over people, and rebelled against government and sided with the people. But is this happening? Of course not, cops are merely another pawn in the game, and thus, it is up to the people directly to overthrow their authority, just like anarchists did, just like black panthers did, just like feminists did. It’s the ability of these groups that pushed forward the thinking of modern people, simply by trying to overthrow corruption. We should do the same, by overthrowing authority, and by that I mean, all authority, meaning cops, politicians, judges, or anyone in an authority position. After all, it is these authority figures who keep people in a submissive role and it is up to the people directly to take charge of their own lives. I believe the next rebellion won’t come from just hippies, punks, blacks, or women, but by the people as a collective, and that will be a glorious day.
Altered Course...
This was a series of responses to a facebook rant from Dec. 2008. My life was in utter dissaray, I had just started poking my conciousness out of the deepest depression I'd ever experienced. It seemed that the world was mirroring my inner feelings. (No surprise there, because that's how reality is structured... More on that in future posts) I had made some observations about the O-Man and how he was just another typical con-man politician... And a friend of mine said "Shut up, you didn't vote, yer just a nay sayer... Where are your practical solutions?" or something to that effect... And Here is what I proposed...
(words in '---' are not my words)
1. America needs a high speed train systems, windmills, solar panels, sustainable energy to reduce dependency on oil (not just foreign oil, ALL OIL) and to provide more jobs. And regardless of economic growth or any of the things capitalists ensure us, are very important, these sources of energy are generally sustainable and have little to no impact on the ecosystem other than their initial construction... Granted, there will be deep ecologists and primitivists that disagree with this course of action, because constructing these technologies calls for removal of resources... But the way I see it is, it's already happening, so we must as well get in on it so we don't have to keep relying on giant corporate entities putting out shitty products every year that we mindlessly consume. We need sustainability, not consumability.
2. Functioning democracy demands honesty; policy making must be transparent to the people who are affected by said policies. This is pretty self explanatory... How are people supposed to make a proper decision if they are so confused by differing stories and biased news?
3. Fuck "lobbyists". The people in the streets are the lobbyists. Lobbying is vote buying; plain and simple. It has no place in a democracy, and especially not in a democracy that has any kind of social standards...
4. Democracy as we know it is nothing more than a symbolic gesture. Going to the polls once every four years is out of the picture; how about once every month? Once every week? How about we just all make our own decisions until the need for voting comes up... We vote on situations rather than issues. Then you can call on outside council or mediators to clear up any social qualms, rather than having an institutionalized court, justice, and law system...
5. If a politician fucks up they're out. Fuck the impeachment process; if a politician loses the public trust they should be immediately removed and a new politician should be voted in. (Ie: Blogoyavich, why wasn't he instantly removed from office? He doesn't deserve a trial! The facts are all there, he lied, cheated, and betrayed the public trust! He should be out, there's no reason to waste energy on fucks like him) If I steal a loaf of bread, they aren't gonna say 'Maybe we should think about giving this guy a trial, and then maybe get rid of him...'. Fuck no! You cheat your employers (in this case the PUBLIC) then you're out... Plain and simple.
6. Fuck war. The public hasn't fully supported a war in decades. No one benefits from it besides a minute percentage of society. War is big business... And all we're seeing now is business as usual. And the poor pay the price for the wars... Through our taxes, and more importantly through blood, sweat, and tears... (This applies to both sides of any war)
7. Get rid of the public relations industry. Let the public decide for themselves what we think about the issues. We're smart enough. Remember that saying, "Actions speak louder than words."? Well that rings true almost 100% of the time in politics... Ignore the double speak; we can see what they're up to clear as day.
8. Tell the public the truth. Our way of living isn't sustainable is causing rapidly increasing damage to the ecosystem and our psychology. Sustainability v. Profit... What do we really need? We've been removed from the way that we lived for hundreds of thousands of years... Living at odds with nature is destroying us internally and externally at an astounding rate. Look around you.
9. Gay rights. NOW. Any person with any kind of functioning moral compass will agree with this... No surprise that politicians can't get this non-issue out of the political arena... Waste of tax dollars to keep oppressing these people, and a waste of time for this to keep coming up in discussions. They are people, they want to be able to get married or whatever... Whats the big fucking deal? Fuck your religious dogma. Fuck your moral high horse. That's it. It's bigotry at it's finest.
10. Abortion rights forever. Anyone with half a brain can tell you anti-abortion laws are anti-women... Religious laws out.
'Some of those ideas are pretty good but how does one go about implementing them without voting? That's why I wrote 'practical solutions'. Think of all the people you've ever met in your life and then imagine those people caring enough to put down their bag of chips and vote every week on issues they hardly understand. I can think of two countries that practice 'direct democracy' (folk votes) and the population that shows up in droves are consistently the far right conservatives. They're organized and have a fundamental belief that the system was made for them. Not a lot of apathy in that bunch...we could learn something from how they hold camp.'
The point is that most American's think they voted for clean energy, gay rights, and an end to unpopular wars and all that stuff when they voted for Obama. But I have a sneaking suspicion that it isn't going to happen. (And now, two years later, we see this as a clear fact.) I don't know about 'practical solutions' because the way the system is set up is impractical for the people on the bottom. Even if the people were mobilized (which they were in 08' a bit more than in other recent elections) I still don't see things changing within this set up under any circumstances.
As for 'direct democracy', I could actually see it work very well in America. Sure there are the fair share of neo con scum bags, but there are just as many filthy left wingers as well. But I would say Americans are generally socially left wing when you talk to them. People just want to do what they do with out being bothered, be we have to unlearn a LOT of things.
My biggest concern is surviving the end of the oil age with out the whole continent turning into Thunderdome. (Everyone thinks, oh electric cars will come around, solar power, peace flowers free sex gah gah gah... But they don't realize POOR FOLK aren't gonna have access to that technology and there is gonna be an over lap period where oil is in extreme shortage and new technology isn't there yet) People gotta start now or it's gonna be too late.
Do like the Cubans; they are a great example of post industrial society should look like. (Granted it's not glamorous, it is sustainable) Everyone grows a garden, even from apartments. Solar panels are all over place... They don't have gas to ship all that stuff around all super conveniently, and that will be the case in the states. Just make it 2000x more extreme. We need solar power, windmills, hydro power; we just have to make that first move... Get it going.
What I'm getting at is we can change society out side of the political sense. Decrease dependence on an unsustainable market and totally change peoples perception of their place in the world. It could empower so many people so much more than voting ever could.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Deconstructing the Ego
Back to the point, another way we are told these things are important is more directly, by making us feel it’s worth while, when we talk about people who have a high status, lots of money, someone who “worked hard” for it, we say things just like that, they “worked hard” as if that’s supposed to mean anything, or it’s “inspirational”. People, I have another term for calling earning lots of money and working hard, it’s not inspirational, it’s corporate propaganda. Obviously people that own everything and have lots of power want us to think these things are inspirational and are meaningful, but do I have to really tell you why they aren’t? Well okay then, because it doesn’t mean anything. So every time people get tears flowing in their eyes from watching an “inspirational” movie, what I’m thinking is, “Are you fucking kidding me?”. This sort of manipulation is what creates peoples ego, they are constantly bombarded from birth that they need to have high success, make lots of money, and have a great job. These things are of no importance whatsoever, man was not created with the intention to work and make money. If you think we are, then tell me why? People worry too much; they worry about things they have to pay for that they don’t need. Materialism, obviously another tool of creating an ego, it creates the illusion of thinking we need to have things to show our success and the money we own, which again, doesn’t matter.
I believe in what Terence McKenna calls the Archaic Revival, in which man will let go of these things that are unimportant to his mind, and grab back on to what our ancestors explored, before modern civilization, and that is exploring the mind of course, and using art and psychedelics to do so. What I have grasped back onto is just that, the greatness of exploring my mind in the psychedelic sense, the greatness of just sitting around by yourself thinking, the greatness of art, rather it be comedy, writing, reading, or music. These are the expressions of man’s emotion that are hard to communicate merely through words, it’s psychedelic, it’s spiritual. So how do we get rid of our ego? We realize that what the world has taught us to be important really is not, that can be anything, rather it be a job, money, status, materialism, etc. Our egos can even be things that most people consider important such as marriage, religion, sex, or friends. And this is not an easy process, because you start to realize everything you’ve worked for that you think is important, is no longer important, at all. So it will be a rough journey, but once you get through it, you will feel enlightened. You break through this meaningless ego mindset and grasp onto what is really important, yourself, exploring your mind, your experience, your spirituality.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A War on Drugs or A War on Personal Freedom?
Travis, Alan (2007-10-26). Cannabis Use down since Legal Change,
Greer, Mark, What the Prohibitionists Say - And the Answers,
Heron, Melonie P., PhD, Smith, Betty L., BsED, Division of Vital Statistics, "Deaths: Leading Causes for 2003," National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 55, No. 10 (Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, CDC, March 15, 2007), p. 10, Table E, and p. 12, Table F.
Belville, Russ, September 15th, 2008, 872,721
Marijuana Arrests in 2007, up 5.2% from 2006.
You think we're ready?
I think it's funny when Libertarians, whom I otherwise have no beef with what so ever, start talking about how 'taxation is theft'... Which I actually do agree with on a certain level. In an ideal world where everyone was 100% courteous and generous, and no one went with out, and everyone organized their own schools, and libraries, and took care of the streets, and cleaned their own water, and regulated the wellness of the food, then yea, it would be rad to have no taxes... But these libertarians are just silly; because the first (and usually the only) issue they they mention extensively when arguing 'Taxation is theft' is WELFARE.
To me, this shows that we are absolutely not ready for the tax-less Utopia that the capitalist libertarians dream of... They say that charities, which of course, would be more plentiful in a post-taxation, regulation free capitalist system, would take care of the needy. C'mon. If that was really the case, your first beef with taxation would be THE WAR MACHINE. This was the first cause that called for taxation in the New World... And every year it takes more and more to fund the bombing of poor brown people who don't speak our language or talk to the same imaginary friends before they go to bed...
Another thing you'll rarely hear these compassion-less bloodsuckers talk about is the prison industrial complex or the war on drugs... Two of the hugest drains on our budget. These two operations (which are so tightly interwoven, that it's hard to distinguish one from the other) are firstly, a huge cost on our society, in the most base of ways... Tearing families apart, mistreating sick people (yes addiction is a legitimate illness, go snort oxy contin for a month and tell me how yer gonna make it through the next week), and a basics distortion of justice. (You can't sell a bag of harmless grass, but you can drink a gallon of whiskey a day for your whole life if you like, and we can give our kids all the speed in the world and our elderly can get as many opiates as they need to make it through their dredge of an existence) And, I am under the belief that the war on drugs is still implemented today, because without it, we'd lose a huge secret slave work force... They have these dudes in prison, making like 2$ a day, to sew up designer jean and shit... Even though, it's pretty much common knowledge by now that the drug war is big fucking joke.
So basically, whet I'm saying is; you silly libertarian capitalist dudes... Go ahead get rid of taxes; you'll just be at the mercy of the banks and corporations, and crime will increase, sickness will increase, all that stuff... That's what you advocate when you say you want a regulation free capitalist system... You advocate utter despair and injustice.
If you want to decrease taxes, which I think everyone on either side of the fence will say is necessary at this point in history... Then we need to halt the war on drugs... Stop imprisoning sick people, and start treating them... Stop locking up the homeless and political prisoners. Stop locking up small time drug dealers. Billions could be saved. End the imperialist wars... We all know we haven't fought a necesary war in over 65 years, stop the fucking joke. We could be so much better...
-'The kind of capitalism advocated by most libertarians is just as scary to me as the pseudo socialism preached by the "other side..."'
There's good and bad at the extremes of each spectrum. Our generation has to hybridize the good elements of collectivism and free market systems... We need to socially be more collectivist, but I don't think that with the population so high that some kind of market economics could ever cease to exist, even if it was based only on bartering... The market is here to stay, but capitalism? Probably not.
-Mike Heinous