*I don't know why the bottom ones are in black lettering, but I can't seem to change the print color, sorry*
Cartoons and Immortality
I think I’ve figured out how to live forever. Everyone knows Mickey Mouse right? Well Mickey Mouse was made in what, the 1920s? I bet you the people who created Mickey Mouse are dead now. Hell, maybe even their kids are dead. And now 90 years later you and I still know who Mickey Mouse is, but we don’t know nor do we give a shit who created Mickey Mouse. One day you and I will be dead, and our kids will know who Mickey Mouse is, and one day our kids will be dead too. One hundred years from now everyone will remember Mickey Mouse but no one is going to remember or care about you, your kids, or your grand children, but they sure will remember who Mickey Mouse. That’s why I’m creating a cartoon character of myself, that way everyone will always remember and love me, but they won’t give a shit about you.
God is using you
You know how Christians always use someone who used to be a drug addict, and is now a saved ex-drug addict who gives other Christians or unsaved people advice about drug problems, as an example of being someone who is somehow being used by God as some sort of prophet to help others? Well what about those people that never get saved? What about people that never get off drugs? What about those people that die sinners and burn in hell? What about those people that die drug addicts? What about those people that die unsaved sinner drug addicts who burn in hell? I guess God just doesn’t care about everyone equally, OR maybe it’s just that your particular situation of drug addiction is nothing special, and you yourself are nothing special.
Why do people think you care when they are singing the lyrics to a song? You know, when they are doing that shitty club dance move, looking dead into your eyes with that big stupid smile on their face, singing along with some shitty catchy song. Do they think that anyone actually cares that they know the words to some lame song? It’s bad enough that I have to sit around and listen to that fucking horrible song, it’s even worse when I have to listen to someone else sing along with that shitty song on the radio and then sit there and pretend like I’m slightly amused with a half assed grin on my face while thinking, “Shut the fuck up!”.
Politicians Are Celebrities
In my opinion I like Sarah Palin. If you think about it, politicians are nothing but celebrities. They go on stage and give people some sort of false hope that they are on your side by feeding into stereotypical beliefs. And at the end of the day when you're tired of watching the puppet show, at least Palin is good to look at.
Praying for Materialism
A Christian once came up to me and said, “If you just pray and worship god he will give you anything you want. If you need a car, he’ll give you a car; all you have to do is worship him.” And so I told him, “Well I don’t want possessions and I don’t want to worship god, so what can god do for me? I guess I’m just shit out of luck.”
I hate when people say, "How selfish could he be to kill himself and not keep his loved ones in mind." Well obviously he didn't, because he uh, killed himself. I doubt his last few moments before death were, "geez, what about my mom and dad." It was probably more along the lines of, "Fuck life."
Blacks and Christianity
Don't you think it's a bit ironic when blacks are Christians? You know what I mean? I mean seriously, white man came to America with Christianity, killed the reds, killed the browns, enslaved the blacks, and bombed the yellows. And in a sense, Christianity is responsible for slavery, and because of slavery, there are a lot of blacks mixed in with the whites, and now all the blacks in America are Christians too. Isn’t that just a bit ironic? Well if you’re a little slow and don’t get my point, then look at it this way, if whites didn't take over the world; Christianity wouldn't be the number one religion. What if Muslims took over America? And Muslims then enslaved the whites. Then eventually the Muslims said, “Hey this slavery thing isn't such a good idea, maybe we should free the whites.” So now the whites are free, and 200 years later all the whites are now Muslims. What I’m actually trying to say is, how free are you really?
If you want to fuck then go fuck and don't give a flying fuck what the fuck other people think about you… FUCK!
Sex Addiction
The worst possible addiction is sex. You can always kick things like heroin and tobacco. But you can't get rid of sex; you'll always be thinking about it and produce hormones that cause sexual arousal... unless you're a Christian.
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