Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Deconstructing the Ego

What is an ego? An ego is how one builds his character up. The world is full ego, but not much feeling. Our egos are us thinking things that the world deems important but really has nothing to do with the spiritually and growth of the individual itself. An ego can be anything, but what I find to be most shocking is everyone in the world is concerned with one area in particular, and that is job, status, and money. Of course, these things don’t mean anything, but we, only being human beings, are easily manipulated my media. Of course, our owners want us to think these things mean something as it keeps us, the working class, in a state of wage slavery. That is, we are still slaves, but we get paid money that’s not even enough to keep us living, and half of that money is taxed so some politician can get rich while he makes rules for everyone to follow. State ownership, isn’t it a bitch? Anyway, the way the media gets us thinking that these things are important is through media control (obviously purposely, otherwise known as propaganda). We are told that having a full time meaningless job that does nothing for us whatsoever spiritually is meaningful; we are told that by working we are giving back to our society. I don’t know about you, but I can do without that patriotic bullshit. It’s the same lies we are told about wars. Our owners tell us it’s about terrorism, so we go and invade countries that are no threat to us whatsoever and kill foreign citizens, mostly people in poverty that no one gives a shit about. Who are the real terrorists?

Back to the point, another way we are told these things are important is more directly, by making us feel it’s worth while, when we talk about people who have a high status, lots of money, someone who “worked hard” for it, we say things just like that, they “worked hard” as if that’s supposed to mean anything, or it’s “inspirational”. People, I have another term for calling earning lots of money and working hard, it’s not inspirational, it’s corporate propaganda. Obviously people that own everything and have lots of power want us to think these things are inspirational and are meaningful, but do I have to really tell you why they aren’t? Well okay then, because it doesn’t mean anything. So every time people get tears flowing in their eyes from watching an “inspirational” movie, what I’m thinking is, “Are you fucking kidding me?”. This sort of manipulation is what creates peoples ego, they are constantly bombarded from birth that they need to have high success, make lots of money, and have a great job. These things are of no importance whatsoever, man was not created with the intention to work and make money. If you think we are, then tell me why? People worry too much; they worry about things they have to pay for that they don’t need. Materialism, obviously another tool of creating an ego, it creates the illusion of thinking we need to have things to show our success and the money we own, which again, doesn’t matter.

How to let go of the ego? This past couple of years has been a dramatic change for me. I had lost myself, my spirituality, and what meant a lot to me. I got in a rhythm of thinking things mattered. I stopped reading, I stopped listening to music, and most importantly, I stopped thinking, and I don’t mean basic thinking, but really thinking about myself and my life. Like I said, I had gotten into a rhythm of thinking things mattered, I was obsessed with school, always studying every second of the day, and was obsessed with exercise, so when I finished studying, I began working out every single evening. I was determined to make something of myself, I was determined to get a “good” job, and I was determined to get a job that made me lots of money. But I ask myself, why? What I realize now is that none of these things mattered to me at all. Of course, I didn’t realize it at the time, I was acting on robotic impulses, no feeling, just doing, but now I realize I don’t care about these things. And let me tell you, it is completely refreshing to let go of those impulses, because of course, it did nothing for me as a person.

I believe in what Terence McKenna calls the Archaic Revival, in which man will let go of these things that are unimportant to his mind, and grab back on to what our ancestors explored, before modern civilization, and that is exploring the mind of course, and using art and psychedelics to do so. What I have grasped back onto is just that, the greatness of exploring my mind in the psychedelic sense, the greatness of just sitting around by yourself thinking, the greatness of art, rather it be comedy, writing, reading, or music. These are the expressions of man’s emotion that are hard to communicate merely through words, it’s psychedelic, it’s spiritual. So how do we get rid of our ego? We realize that what the world has taught us to be important really is not, that can be anything, rather it be a job, money, status, materialism, etc. Our egos can even be things that most people consider important such as marriage, religion, sex, or friends. And this is not an easy process, because you start to realize everything you’ve worked for that you think is important, is no longer important, at all. So it will be a rough journey, but once you get through it, you will feel enlightened. You break through this meaningless ego mindset and grasp onto what is really important, yourself, exploring your mind, your experience, your spirituality.

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