Something that people today seem completely misconstrued about is love. For what does love mean? Is love not one of the deepest emotions, not only of humans, but all animals, of all life? Love in definition, is to have a strong affection and emotion for someone or something, it’s having compassion towards life. On Wikipedia, it even goes to define love as not just a virtue, but A BASIS FOR ALL BEING! Shit, was there ever a more intimate and beautiful definition of the word love than, “A basis for all being!”
But, it seems as if one of the most intimate emotions that a human can express are severely watered down in today’s society. For one, what do most people mean when they say love? Are they referring to having a profound spiritual experience, are they referring to being completely mesmerized by music, to having a love so deep for language and literature that they care for nothing materialistic in the world except that art itself, even if it means being a vagrant, homeless, or poor? No, when people refer to love in the modern world, they aren’t referring to knowing someone, connecting to that person on a deep intimate level. Instead, they refer to love as if it is some Hollywood movie. They think of love as if they can just make this relationship work they will finally be happy. Or, they think of love as doing something like a fancy dinner, flowers, buying gifts, or doing some false perception of “romance.” This is not love, it’s an ego filled mind that has no substance whatsoever, that has no emotions, that has filled doing “things” with love. This is the mind of someone with no substance, with no love, these are people professing love who have no idea what love truly is, because they have filled their minds with not thoughts and emotions, but emptiness, materialism, and ego.
Love is something more much more intimate than simply having a relationship. While a relationship can definitely come out of love, relationships do not CAUSE love. This is one of the main problems people tend to have when it comes to the idea of love. They have been so misguided by this Hollywood idea of love that instead of having that deep connection with someone, they think by diving head first into a relationship everything will suddenly just flash and be perfect. Take a man for example a man; let’s say this person has never experienced “love” towards a woman, because he knows in a sense that he’s never felt anything in a relationship. He has however, although very rare, had some love towards a couple of friends, friends that he has shared hours and hours of conversations about life, about spirituality, about everything he holds dear to his heart, that is love. This person also is deeply spiritual, this person loves to write, he cares for his fellow man, he loves to read, he loves music, he becomes overwhelmed by that atmosphere of music, and this is love. This man however, has never loved a woman, in the sense of a one on one relationship, because he has not put his hopes into falling for another person, but if he by accident, finds a women, and connects to her in an in depth way, the same he could feel towards a friend, then that could turn to love. But he is not so gullible to hope the relationship will give him love, but he hopes that love will give him a relationship. This person knows who he is, and does not search for love, he is in love all the time, and hopes to find people, whomever there, wherever they are, that he can be intimate with. But again, he does not search for a relationship to give him love, but in his love, he hopes that the love itself will find him other like minded people to find. And this does not even have to be someone he is fucking, but a friend, a peer, a younger person, an older person, a man, a woman, it doesn’t matter. Love should not be bound to the social realms of Hollywood type relationships, but relationships with everyone.
Now that love has somewhat been defined, what does marriage have to do with love? Marriage is something that also has a huge social influence on people. What does marriage offer, other than being an outdated religious ritual as well as a worthless government act? Again, this goes back to the question of asking what love is. Love is a bond between one person, and another person. Why add nothing but a materialistic piece of paper to the equation. What matters more, a piece of paper with a signature on it, or the spiritual connection that has developed between two people? Again, with this materialistic and Hollywood view of love, people have been beat down into thinking that marriage equals love. This seems to be a major reason why so many marriages fail. And of course they do, for people get overly excited, just as they do as entering a relationship; they think that marriage will finally give them love. And without trying to be repetitive, this is obviously the same thing as saying, relationships do not equal love, all the same, marriages do not equal love. The only difference between relationships and marriages is that creating an intimate relationship between one person and the other is amazing, while on the other hand for marriage, it has to simply be asked, “What’s the point?” And obviously, that question needs to be asked over and over, what indeed, is the point? It doesn’t stand for love; it doesn’t stand for human connection. It’s just another thing, it’s an egotistic, materialistic, pointless thing that people just point to with pride, but it has nothing to do with love itself. Getting married for love is way more demeaning than someone entering a relationship for love. For at least, going into a relationship for love, the person is just misguided about how to obtain love, but with marriage, it has nothing to do with love to begin with. It is just something that has been ingrained into peoples heads as love, when it is nothing but.
Romance is another term that is loosely tied to the in depth emotion of love. Romance in today’s society is buying someone flowers, chocolate, or any kind of materialistic gift, jewelry, clothing, things, shit, and worthless shit at that. Romance is even portrayed as opening a door for the other person, pulling out a chair, being polite, bending over like a little bitch hand and knees waiting on the person that you assumingly love. This is not romance, it’s just annoying. Again, like previously stated, this type of attitude is just used to show the emptiness of the human soul, the materialistic mindset the humans have been manipulated into thinking. This of course, is not romance, and it is not love. Imagine for a second, taking a psychedelic trip with your partner, or listening to some atmospheric music together one night in the pitch blackness of your room, and merely understanding each other, almost telepathically, you become connected, as one, not separate. Now imagine the opposite, the man, he buys his female partner flowers, which is just a thing, he is dull and empty and this is the only way he knows how to please her. But which one of these statements is truly romantic? Which one of these acts is romance, which in turn, becomes love? Love comes from romance, but romance is not stuff, it’s more spiritual than that, and this is an important aspect to understand. Tips to the guy, don’t do anything special for a girl, don’t be polite, don’t do anything fancy, don’t bend over for her, just treat her like a friend, and if you have a beautiful in depth conversation one night, that is more real than anything like flowers or a golden necklace will achieve.
What has been covered thus far? The definition of love, how people falsely perceive love, what love truly is, the fact that marriage has nothing to do with love because love is much greater than the materialistic act of marriage, how romance is falsely perceived, what romance really is, and how true love comes from true romance. But what is to be taken from all this? What is to be taken from all this is the fact that what love really means to you, don’t cover it up with things, don’t cover it up with relationships (or trying to find love from relationships), don’t cover it up with hopelessness, don’t cover it up with marriage, or anything else. Be in love all the time, when you read, and hopefully you reader, have a love for language, so when you read, be in love with what you read, be in love with the ability to think, be in love with the ability to think. The love of the ability to think, the love so deep so that when you do go out with someone, you already realize that you’re not looking for love, you already have it. So the question then comes into play, I’m already in love with life, I know who I am, but, what can this person offer me mentally, spiritually, knowledge wise, love wise? Are they worth messing with, do they have any depth, any uniqueness, individuality? If not, then why try to create a relationship with someone, for as previously stated, love will give you a relationship, a relationship will never give you love. Because if you don’t already have love in your life, you will NEVER be able to find it elsewhere.