Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Simple Explanation of God

I can easily talk about this in depth with people who understand the concept of god like I do, like my man Mike the Hanus Manus. But for people who don't grasp on to the idea, here's an extremely simple way of explaining it. There is nothingness, nothing except energy in space. This energy creates chemicals which creates the universe, galaxies, stars, and planets. These planets produce plants, skies, animals, insects, water, and humans. These humans are nothing but energy, because energy is not created or destroyed. These humans share experiences, thoughts, ideas, art, music, literature, comedy, humor, novels, essays, journalism, love, hate, sadness, depression, passion, excitement, etc, with each other. These thoughts are also never created nor destroyed either, they are constantly flowing through the universe and everyone is sharing them. These thoughts people have are not absolute truth, but rather a tiny fragment of the never ending knowledge that can be tapped into. Everything in the universe is energy, from a simple chemical bond to a human to the thoughts humans produce. Everything is constantly flowing together, progressing, and is not separate. This is god. So in a sense, you are god, or at least, a part of god. My mother once said, "God won't force you to love him," as for some reason she thought I hated God, and I immediately responded, "You don't love God, god is love!"

Experience your life, read, write, listen to music, and COMMUNICATE THIS WITH OTHERS. Nothing will ever be experienced without you trying to share your piece of god with the world.

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