Everyone's thinking "OH SWEET!THIS WILL BE RAD!" I mean, sure this is all fine and dandy, and fun stuff to think about, fun to read about. I'm all about gaining knowledge about the universe around us... But we should be aware; the drive for this mission is not the conquest of knowledge, but rather the expansion of civilization, the furthering of empire...
The reason we so desperately need to get off of this hunk of dirt, water, and greenery, is because we're coming to the brink of ecological destruction. Well really, if you look around, we're already there... Thousands of species of plants, trees, animals, vertebrae and non, all vanishing faster than the speed of light... Plastic islands in the pacific, bigger than Texas, 'dead zones' in all of the major oceans in the world, etc... So really, we're trying to get the fuck off of this planet before it causes too much 'hurt' to CIVILIZATION.
Let's talk about civilization... What is it?

Civilization is defined as ...the procession of human societies generally toward more development and use of more complex technology, higher population densities, increasing per capita gross domestic product, and other significant advancements... Because we, most of us, live inside the confines of civilization this seems fine and dandy. More complex technology! Awesome! A higher GDP! WHOOPDY FUCKING DOO!
What the definition forgets to leave out is the burgeoning of classes (and the conflicts that arise), the centralization of power (be it governmental, economic, or religious), the mass importation of goods (since everyone lives in cities)... And of course we can't forget, the forcing of 'civilized' ways of life on the 'non civilized'... (look, every-fucking-where in history... American Indians, Aztecs, the indigenous people of northern Europe, etc etc) But of course, the first rule of the civilized is, never be critical of yourself; because then you might doubt yourself... And doubting yourself when you live in a delusional world, well that would be disastrous. Keep believing your one view of life and how it should be...
So what I'm really getting at is, we're only going to Mars (and still fucking around on the Moon) because civilization needs a new host to drain. We need more resources. We don't want to change. We don't want to clean up the mess we've made. We want to be snotty little brats.
I don't wanna see a McDonalds on Mars. I don't wanna see Megachurches on Mars. I don't wanna see genetically modified chickens roaming around missile silos that scatter the landscape of New Detroit, south west of New Toronto. (lol hypothetical mars metropolis')
Everyone needs to realize, civilization is not sustainable. Civilization is not desirable. Civilization is the apex of centralization of power, the apex of domination of man over man, man over beast, and man over nature... And soon it will be of man over the entirety of measurable reality... I don't think cool tech toys and genetically modified food and a generally plastic and safe reality is a good trade off for pure existence, freedom, and natural order... Maybe you do; but if you do, realize you are my enemy. You are the enemy of nature. You are the enemy of peace. You are the enemy of harmony.
I personally, think going to mars is a big fucking waste of time and especially a huge waste of money when the planet is falling apart at the most base of levels... So fuck off space cases!
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